VYDA - Orion Silver Reference Speaker Cable


The electrical connection between the amplifier and the speakers system deserves peculiar cables whose main features are: Optimization of the signal path, protection of the amplifier from resonant oscillation due to cable spurious capacitance when it overcomes the value of 500 pF.

Particular attention must be paid concerning the construction process of conductors. As well known, copper or silver conductors subjected to thermal treatment (heating) increases the average dimension of crystal aggregates and reduce the oxygen content when (OFC). This process promotes the aggregates arrangement on a more regular crystal structure that reduces the electrical resistance.

Cryogenic treatment increases compactness of crystal micro structure and assures higher stability of the conductor at the working temperature range.
The construction geometry must comply with suitable conditions of the influencing parameters; this is sometimes not easy to obtain, thus leading to design solutions that represent optimal compromises.

Nevertheless, the cable construction must be carried out with high precision and accuracy.
The choice of the construction materials, such as the dielectric medium, is quite fundamental in order to reduce the spurious capacitance. The connectors require a peculiar treatment of the surfaces assuring a coating layer at least of 10 micron.
Listening at Orion Silver Reference Speaker Cable, that has been designed and realized in compliance with the physical laws, one will discover a purity of the musical signal never heard before. A superior quality of the musical details performed with rare dynamics; a natural and exceptional reproduction of transients in the lower part of the frequency band without emphasis.

Also, high frequency components are returned by Vyda Orion Silver Reference Speaker Cable with extreme clarity, thus supporting the transducer that may exhibit the transient dynamics without hardening nor compression in the whole band.
The micro-signal distortion due to conductors’ interaction is optimized through the use of pure cotton fibres and air dielectric properties: the transparency and dynamics of flutes for example will be heard during the listening without compression and distortion.

The Orion Silver Reference Speaker Cable is available in a special version with a conductor made from a fusion alloy between silver and copper. The Vyda Orion HFC line is the name of this version.

For these reasons, Vyda Orion Silver Reference Speaker Cable satisfies the following specifications:

  • 100% insulation of both hot and cold poles obtained with three layers of shielding;
  • signal to noise ratio of 0.2 mV@-65dB;
  • interaction ratio between poles: -80 dB;
  • interaction ratio poles/shield: -75 dB @2V;
  • propagation celerity at the refractometer: 85%;
  • very low capacitance and inductance (0.01Mhom/m – 50 pF/m);
  • dielectric insulation with pure cotton fibres (low spurious capacitance index 1.2);
  • solid core silver and copper conductors (99.999%) cryogenically treated with liquid nitrogen (15 minutes contact time).

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